1、2019年12生肖运势预测:猪年会不会走好运呢?_英语新闻 to what you might , the holds that those born under the sign that is being don t much luck.和你预期的相反,中国星象学认为,本命年的运气一般不会太好。This isn t a year for Pigs to take risks or any major . c
2、 told .星相学顾问卡门告诉网站说:属猪的人在本命年不要冒风险或作出任何重大改变。; isn t in the cards for Pigs in 2019 .属猪的人在2019年也没什么桃花运。Don t this year to bring in the . For , this year is to bring
3、 but not , she said.卡门说:不要指望本命年感情上能有什么突破。对于属猪的单身人士而言,这一年在爱情上是教训多、甜蜜少。;In 2019, Rat signs will have the to some and make new work .2019年,属鼠的人将有机会获得晋升并拓展职场人脉。 will be the win for Rats the Year of
4、the Pig. will come from the Rats , , and to as well as from their . said.卡门说:属鼠的人在猪年的事业运最旺。属鼠的人的才华、技能、社交和人脉都能对事业有所助益。;, Rats focus on where there are than for a new job.不过属鼠的人在猪年应该蓄势待发而不是寻找新工作。Roman
5、ce may also crop up for Rats in 2019, but it won t be too .属鼠的人在2019年的爱情运也不错,不过不会有重大变化。 born in the Year of the Ox can look to a great run of luck with money and in 2019. Those who were born in the Year of the Ox may , , a
6、nd .属牛的人在2019年财运很旺,财源滚滚。可能会发生工作变动、升职和加薪。The only here is that there is such thing as too much of a good thing. Ox signs be to deal with when it comes and they have a plan for a into a long- .但是属牛的人要当心好事过头反成坏事。
7、在财富从天而降时,做好规划,才能细水长流。 t any in 2019. focus on their than look for huge new .属虎的人在2019年不会迎来什么重大的积极改变。他们应该专注于维护成果而不是再创辉煌。, this year is a good time for to their socia
8、l . that new and ideas will lead to wins in and , love won t lead to love.不过,今年是属虎的人扩大社交圈的良好时机。卡门建议属虎的人结识新朋友,多交流意见,这将让他们赢得事业和友情,不过在这一年开始的新恋情不一定会长久。In , the Pig is very of
9、the . This means that can much every of their lives to a boost in 2019.中国星相学认为,猪能旺兔。这意味着属兔的人在2019年的运势将全面提升。 is very and jobs, a , and all of which leads to more . This will be
10、a year for the , .卡门透露说:属兔的人在猪年很可能会迎来事业上升期,包括换工作、创业、升职2019属猪婚姻运势,都能带来更多收入。对属兔的人而言,这将是大放异彩的一年。; can also their fair share of and in 2019. of all kinds will grow and this year. will find love while
11、those will spend more time with each other, said .在爱情运和人际关系上,属兔的人在2019年也是顺风顺水。卡门说:属兔的人的各种感情关系在2019年都会得到加强。单身人士会得到爱情,有伴侣的则会一起度过更多美好的时光。; added that this is also a good year for to go back to or . If you plan to this year, y
12、ou ll much help and . And in your , you can meet who can parts of your life, she said.占星家斯特尔霍恩补充说,对于属兔的人而言,今年也非常适合重返校园或旅游。她说:如果你今年有出游计划,你会得到很多帮助和支持。在旅游途中,你可能会遇到未来对你很重要的人。; signs can good in 2019. It ll be a year of on al
13、l sides.属龙的人在2019年运势不错2019属猪婚姻运势,在各方面都会遇到良机。 in or a side- will to the flow of . will find this year, while those will level up, said.卡门说:属龙的人在猪年的正财运和偏财运都很好。属龙的单身人士今年有望遇到合适的另一半,已经有伴的感情会更进一步。
14、;, that the of will be by to . There are love for you if you re to come down to earth and have a than just being from afar, said .不过,斯特尔霍恩提醒说,属龙人的高
15、冷会让良缘受阻。她说:如果你愿意放下架子,与人交谈,而不是高高在上,你将有很多恋爱机会。; born under this sign can in every area of life.属蛇的人在猪年将遇到来自各个方面的挑战。 might have to with in , lack of work , and . of this, it s a good idea for
16、to start for a rainy day as soon as .属蛇的人在猪年可能会遭遇收入波动、缺少工作机会和意外花销。正因如此,属蛇的人最好尽早开始储蓄,未雨绸缪。Both and Snake signs may have to deal with from other areas of life over into their lives, added.卡门说,单身和有伴的属蛇人都可能要应对生活其他方面的挫折对感情生活的影响。The Year o
17、f the Pig to the Horse in , , and .无论是事业、金钱还是爱情,属马的人在猪年都会走好运。 that will be as well as . said .卡门说:属马的人在猪年遇到的良机将会让自己名利双收。;, the adage it takes money to make money will defi
18、 apply for this year. They will find to .不过,属马的人会发现,钱才能生钱。为了支持事业扩张,他们的金钱支出将会增加。In terms of , can to ride the year too many bumps.在感情方面,属马的人今年会顺风顺水,不会遇到太多坎坷。This year is sha
19、ping up to be a great one for Sheep. These lucky lambs will good in all areas of life , , money, and .今年对属羊的人而言是非常幸运的一年,在爱情、事业、金钱、健康各个方面都会走好运。You have more luck this year and you can take risks both in love and in . out
20、 work will bring back and , said.斯特尔霍恩说:今年属羊的人运气很好,可以在爱情和事业上都勇敢地迈出一步。你的创作将获得嘉奖和回报。;Sheep will also find 2019 more for love and .属羊的人在2019年还将遇到更多恋爱机会。If you have been , that won t be the case much . , , a
21、nd even is for Sheep, said . also that Sheep help for have good luck this year.卡门说:如果你是单身,那你很快就能脱单。感情升级、结婚甚至怀孕都有可能。;斯特尔霍恩还提到,那些怀孕有困难的属羊人今年应该能得偿所愿。 signs may run into in 2019 if they don t keep their na
22、tures in check. This year has the to send of drama and even legal .如果属猴的人在2019年不收敛好斗的性子,可能会给自己引来麻烦。属猴的人在猪年可能会身陷各种冲突,甚至法律纠纷。In , there could be that make it hard for to make any major moves or power plays. may also be chall
23、.事业上的冲突会让属猴的人难以采取任何重大行动或争夺权力。人际关系问题也会让他们头疼。 will have to put in an to or grow as well as new ones.今年在维持现有感情关系和结交新朋友方面,属猴的人都会相当费劲。It is said that is , and this year focus on both of these areas. If aren t c
24、, their and could take a real hit in 2019.健康就是财富,今年属鸡的人要特别注意健康和财富这两方面。如果不当心的话,他们的财富和健康在2019年都会受到重创。 could arise from , , or . It s to cause a . In order to be in other areas, self-
25、care as well as good , said .卡门说:疾病、事故、压力都可能导致属鸡的人出现健康问题,还可能会引发多米诺效应。为了不影响生活的其他方面,他们要好好照顾自己,养成良好的健康习惯。; on track may prove and could as a . may a loss of . This could be from bad
26、, down debts, , and money , .今年属鸡人的创业道路会充满险阻,资金也会因此而受损。卡门解释说:属鸡的人在猪年的收入会减少。这可能是由投资失败、还债、打官司和其他意外支出导致的。;But it s not all bad news. that 2019 will also bring for .但也不全是坏消息。斯特尔霍恩指出,2019年也会给属鸡的人带来良机。All the new t
27、hings you ve been doing for the last year or two are to pay off. New love is or you may take an to the next level. An or may be . You can a win-win, she said.她说:你前两年开始做的事情会初见成效。你可能会开启新恋情,也可能让现有的感情关系更进一步。你
28、可能会达成重要的契约或商业协议,或通过协商获得双赢。;Hard work and will pay off for Dogs this year. with this sign may have faced a 2018, but those tough will help Dogs in 2019.属狗的人辛苦工作和付出会在今年得到回报。他们在2018年也许过得很艰难,但是这些挫折会帮助属狗的人在2019年取得成功。Last year had for those
29、 born in the Year of the Dog. Those Dogs to and more . These will help Dogs make the best of in the Year of the Pig, said .卡门说:过去的一年确实给属狗的人带来了许多挑战。这些挑战让他们变得更加成熟和实际。这将帮助他们在猪年充分把握机遇。;There will be for Dogs in all areas, , , and . , as noted, these don t . Dogs will have to put in work and to gains.2019年属狗的人在事业、财富、爱情等各个方面都将遇到良机。不过,卡门指出,这些机遇不一定会带来成功。他们必须付出辛劳才能得到收获。